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Certification exam of labor safety specialists



Representatives of 40 companies completed the accredited training course for labor safety specialists at the Association of Georgian Employers today and passed the certification exam. The exam questions, which the participants of the course passed, included the issues stipulated by the order of the Minister of Labor, Health and Social Protection No. 01-25/N of the IDPs from the occupied territories of Georgia. In particular: Introduction to occupational safety management issues; hazard identification, risk assessment and management, control measures in accordance with internationally recognized standards; workplace accident and incident investigation - recording, registration, reporting; occupational diseases - Classification, registration and control of occupational and occupational diseases; electrode and fire safety; first aid assistance; classification of chemical substances and safety rules; individual and collective protection measures; occupational hygiene: chemical, physical, biological and psychosocial factors; work at height; national legislative regulations and international standards for occupational safety in the field of labor safety; working safely in a closed space; working safely with lifting mechanisms; forklifts Safety of truck operation. After passing the testing stage, the participants will be given certificates recognized by the state. It should be noted that according to the Law on Labor Safety, it is mandatory for companies included in the list of jobs with increased risk to employ a certified labor safety specialist at their workplace. From September 1, 2019, the mentioned law will apply to all business sectors.

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