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About 80 labor safety specialists in the employers' association obtained a state-accredited certificate



About 80 company representatives trained by the Association of Georgian Employers within the framework of the labor safety specialist training program were awarded certificates accredited by the state. The labor safety specialists underwent 130 hours of practical and theoretical training in accordance with the scope, implementation rules and conditions of the accredited labor safety specialist program stipulated by the order of the Minister of Labor, Health and Social Protection No. 01-25/N. And at the end of the course, the participants passed the certification exam. "Issues of labor safety for our country, especially for the business sector, are the most important challenge at this stage. Accordingly, the business union - Employers' Association of Georgia, by providing consultations, audits, personnel training and other services to the business sector, tries to help the business sector adapt to the strict requirements of the law. For this purpose, the employers' association became one of the first organizations that obtained from the state the right to train labor safety specialists in accordance with the requirements of the law. At this stage, the safety specialists of the companies represented in the list of high-risk, heavy, harmful and dangerous jobs are undergoing the training. From September 2019, according to the law, it becomes mandatory for a company representing any business sector to employ a certified labor safety specialist, therefore, the number of people wishing to undergo the certification program will increase, therefore, in accordance with the increased demand, it is planned to organize courses in the regions as well," - Lasha Labadze, executive director of the Association of Georgian Employers. The program accredited by the employers' association is led by labor safety experts and trainers with international experience. At this stage, more than 200 participants are taking part in the program, including representatives of companies and labor

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