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The Employers' Association has produced an occupational safety policy document which has been presented to the government, trade unions and the business sector.



Business association - organized by the Association of Employers of Georgia and under the auspices of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the international conference entitled "Challenges, Opportunities and Future Prospects in the Field of Labor and Health Safety for Georgia" was held at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Iveria. The main goal was the presentation of the labor safety policy document, which was developed by the Georgian Employers' Association with the help of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and expresses the views and recommendations of the employers' association in the field of labor safety and related issues. "We would like the state to take into account the recommendations and expectations outlined in the document developed by the employers' association and which we presented to the social partners today in the process of planning the labor safety policy in the future, so that it is as painless as possible for the business sector to adjust economic activity to the strict legal requirements. As for the challenges in the field of labor safety at this stage, first of all it is knowledge, qualification in the mentioned field. When a company is required by law to adapt its work environment to occupational safety standards, it must have a suitably qualified employee within the organization or seek external services. In both directions, it is difficult for companies to receive qualified services, because the field is new and it is difficult to find personnel armed with relevant knowledge in the labor market," - Executive Director of the Association of Georgian Employers, Lasha Labadze. It should be noted that the business sector, as well as international and local experts, were involved in the development of the policy document on labor safety. The conference was attended by representatives from ministries and other government agencies, business sector, non-governmental and international organizations. Also, invited international experts from the International Labor Organization (ILO), and

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