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The Association of Employers of Georgia expresses solidarity with Ukraine's struggle for freedom



Business Union - Employers' Association of Georgia expresses its full support to Ukraine, which heroically fights not only for the future of its own state, families and citizens, but also for the peace and security of Europe, Georgia and the whole world. For many years, the association has been hosting Ukrainian partners, representatives of the business sector, implementing a number of projects with them, managing exhibitions and business forums between our countries, and is proud of its contribution to the strengthening and strengthening of business-economic ties between Georgia and Ukraine. We are sure that in the near future we will again have the opportunity to host each other even stronger and freer to achieve the goals set on the way to strengthen the economy of our countries. We are proud of the high state and social self-awareness and responsibility shown by the member companies and the business sector of Georgia as a whole, which they expressed in these difficult days through material and moral support to the citizens of Ukraine. The Association of Employers of Georgia fully expresses its solidarity with Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and European aspirations. We congratulate every citizen of Ukraine on the fulfillment of the request to join the European Union in an accelerated manner, and we hope that the western door will be opened for Georgia as well, since we have been facing the problems caused by the annexation and occupation of Russia for many years.

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