Sustainable Development Goals
In the Employers' Association of Georgia, a training was held for representatives of member companies on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The goal of the training was for the member companies of the Association of Georgian Employers to understand the challenges and opportunities related to sustainable development and to effectively integrate the SDGs into their strategies, which will improve their competitive advantage and in the long term will be reflected in positive financial results.
The training covered such issues as what sustainable development means, the role of the private sector in achieving sustainable development goals, SDGs and business, the impact of the global agenda on the business sector, SDGs - benefits and opportunities for business, the impact of current changes on the business sector of Georgia, etc.
The training was loaded with practical and interactive activities, participants shared their best/own experiences with each other.
The training was led by Tinatin Gabrichidze, who is the executive manager of the Strategic Development and Internationalization Committee of AIP - New Vision University, and his professional activities, among others, are related to the development and implementation of policies, strategies and projects corresponding to the goals of sustainable development.
The training was conducted by the Association of Georgian Employers and BWMV. e. Within the framework of the V project - with the financial support of SEQUA/BMZ
Within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Committee, the Georgian Employers' Association will continue to offer various activities to member companies in this direction.