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Training for employers on OSH issues



Business association organized by the GEA Training Center on September 28-29, 2016, a training for employers on labor and health safety issues was held, which was led by Ivan Meyer, an expert of the European Union in the field of labor and health. The aim of the training was to familiarize the trainees with the following issues: • promoting the understanding of employers' responsibilities regarding labor safety issues at the workplace; • motivating managers in relation to labor and safety issues; • presentation of preventive principles and basic OSH requirements; • presentation of OSH management and supervision; • identification of hazards and risk assessment Encouraging skills in the workplace; • Presenting ways of employee involvement in OSH issues; • Presenting EU regulations and EU approaches to OSH implementation; • Presenting OSH minimum requirements in the workplace, work equipment and personal protective equipment/equipment; • Feedback on current legislative processes and OSH improvement challenges; Based on the request of the business association GEA, the project provides special training for employers - enterprise managers on labor safety principles and OSH minimum requirements according to the new harmonized regulations.

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