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Thouse.ge and the Association of Georgian Employers will offer joint services to the business sector



The fast-developing construction project platform thouse.ge has become an official partner of the Georgian Employers' Association. The website was created to gather companies operating in the construction sector in one space. The platform, whose main niche is maintaining the quality status in the market and offering a complex service to developers (recruiting, product advertising, creating a communication space, etc.), has been growing stronger every day since 2016. Thouse.ge and business union - Georgian Employers' Association unite around one of the most urgent problems in Georgia today, labor safety. Thouse.ge, which already unites hundreds of companies working in the construction sector, provides partner companies with information on labor safety issues, such as legislative changes, planned trainings, consultations, audits, international standards, etc. This type of cooperation between the business association and the platform of construction projects will contribute to the provision of useful information on the topic of labor safety to the business sector, which in turn will be one of the means of preventing accidents (fires, injuries/accidents on construction sites, etc.) in the country.

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