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"Business relations between Georgia and Ukraine are entering a new phase".



Anatoli Kinakhi, president of Krain Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, was in Tbilisi at the invitation of Sakarvelo Employers' Association. The purpose of Anatoly Kinakhi's visit was to conduct negotiations on the Georgia-Ukraine business-investment forum planned for November 2018, to get acquainted with Georgia's economic potential and business environment, and to discuss the prospects of starting specific business projects in the near future. "Ukraine and Georgia are friendly states, the relations between which are based on mutual trust and respect. It is especially important that in the conditions when Ukraine and Georgia integrate into the European economic space, bilateral trade cooperation becomes even closer." I believe that based on national interests, our goals will be realized and our countries will occupy a worthy place in the world employment system," said Anatoli Kinakh. "We have been preparing the November business forum for a long time. This will not be just a forum. It will be a discussion of specific projects and reconciliation of the position of both parties. The projects will mainly be from the infrastructure and agriculture sectors. It is also important to interest Ukrainian investors in the field of energy. The relations between Georgia and Ukraine are moving into a new phase, which will be of a systemic nature and not one-time," states the President of the Association of Georgian Employers, Elguja Meladze. Within the framework of the visit, Anatoly Kinakh held a long meeting with the member companies of the Employers' Association, which was also attended by the Ambassador of Ukraine to Georgia, Igor Dolgov. He held meetings with the management of Sakpatent, the general director of the partnership fund, David Saganelidze, and the business ombudsman, Irakli Lekvinadze, to discuss the prospects of future business-economic relations. Anatoly Kinakh's visit is also important from the point of view that at different times he held the positions of the Prime Minister of Ukraine and the Secretary of the Security Council, and was also a

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