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The business sector met with the personal data protection inspector



Organized by the Association of Georgian Employers, the business sector met Personal Data Protection Inspector Tamar Kaldani and received information about the planned and ongoing reforms in the field of personal data protection, as well as legislative news. between, protection of privacy. Within the framework of the meeting, the personal data protection inspector made a presentation to the member and partner companies of the Association of Georgian Employers about issues such as the principles of data processing; Obligations of data processors and legal requirements; direct marketing and dissemination of information in social networks; biometric data processing; GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union); monitoring of the data processing process and sanctions provided for violation of the requirements of the law; Current challenges in the field of personal data protection and future plans of the Inspectorate. An important part of the meeting was devoted to the question-and-answer mode, within which representatives of the private sector will receive competent information about issues of interest to them. The event was held in the conference hall of the Association of Georgian Employers and was attended by representatives of more than 60 companies. The meeting was held within the cycle of meetings organized by the Association of Georgian Employers, the purpose of which is to strengthen communication between the private and public sectors.

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