The Employers' Association is implementing an accredited program for occupational safety managers
In accordance with the requirements of the Law on Labor Safety, the Employers' Association of Georgia developed a training program for labor safety specialists and was accredited by the Ministry of IDPs from the occupied territories of Georgia, Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Protection.
The Association of Employers of Georgia started the implementation of the accredited program for the training of labor safety managers and hosted the second group.
Labor safety managers will complete a 130-hour training course and obtain a state-approved specialist degree.
It should be noted that the extent of the program, the manner and conditions of its implementation are determined by the administrative-legal act of the Minister of Health.
In accordance with the law on labor safety, companies that are on the list of work with increased risk, heavy, harmful and dangerous conditions are obliged to ensure that the labor safety specialist employed there has passed the mentioned accredited program and has the relevant certificate. And from September 1, 2019, the mentioned issue becomes mandatory for any business operator.
Courses will be held systematically in the employers' association, and labor safety specialists interested in certification will have the opportunity to take the mentioned program.