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Business start-up and financial competence - a two-day training was held at the employers' association



Within the framework of the joint project of the Association of Georgian Employers and the German organization - KWB (KWB Koordinierungsstelle Weiterbildung und Beschäftigung e.V.), a two-day training was held for the beneficiary women on the topic "Business startup and financial competence." The project aims to strengthen entrepreneurial skills among women from vulnerable groups, raise financial literacy, increase networking and improve economic competitiveness. The training held on September 14-15, led by Yulia Vorozhtsova, an invited trainer from Germany, was attended by women entrepreneurs from Tbilisi and the regions. During the training, the participants raised their awareness around such issues as setting business goals, resource allocation, competitor analysis, market structure, preparing a unique business proposition, Business Model Canvas, VUCA – BANI, SWOT analysis, 4P marketing, customer communication, financial plans, investments, franchising, etc. The training was loaded with discussion of best examples and practical exercises. In the next stage of the project, the beneficiaries will develop business plans. And the authors of the best among them will be awarded. The project is implemented in three regions of Georgia - Tbilisi, Imereti and Adjara.

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