The business complains about the lack of qualified staff - Lasha Labadze
The government is considering the continuation of benefits related to income tax - Shalva Tskhakaya
Devalued income statistics - Lasha Labadze
Pandemic and labor market - Lasha Labadze
The increased mandate of the Labor Inspectorate - Shalva Tskhakaya
Lack of staff - Lasha Labadze
Unemployed - Shalva Tskhakaya
The labor market is in the stage of recovery - Lasha Labadze
Business sees risks in the increase of the labor inspection mandate - Lasha Labadze
Increased rights of labor inspection - Shalva Tskhakaya
Memorandum of mutual cooperation - Lasha Labadze
State programs - Elguja Meladze
Changes in the Labor Code - Shalva Tskhakai
Elguja Meladze as a guest in daily news
Memorandum of mutual cooperation - Shalva Tskhakaya