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Research report - "Value chain of fruit and vegetable processing sector in Georgia"



Organized by the Association of Employers of Georgia and with the support of the International Labor Organization (ILO), a study was carried out on the topic: "The value chain of the fruit and vegetable processing sector in Georgia", in which companies representing the fruit and vegetable processing sector as well as state and international organizations participated. As you know, the mentioned sector is characterized by a number of challenges and problems, which are manifested in the following components: Delivery phase: such as appropriate mechanization, infrastructure, working conditions, informal labor relations, etc. lack of Processing Stage: Such as weak technical capacity, lack of access to finance, weak industrial knowledge, lack of procurement skills, insufficient human capital, etc. Demand stage: such as logistics - customer related procedures, port and proper infrastructure, transportation related delay, etc. As a result of the said research, recommendations have been received, among which the following are particularly significant: Developing an integrated strategy for value chain promotion in Georgia; Modernization of educational programs and relevant university curricula (certification of farmers, twinning, services, capacity building, etc.); social reform to improve working conditions; Improving the quality of physical infrastructure, certification, legal framework and international accreditation, etc. It should be noted that along with the above-mentioned issues, the research sector is characterized by lack of access to finance and dialogue between stakeholders. Accordingly, the Georgian Employers' Association (GEA) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) plan to advocate reform, implement an integrated strategy and educational reforms in accordance with market demands. In case of interest, please register at the following link: Registration form, no.

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